MLM Network Marketing Training,
What They Won't Teach You About Branding

Regular mlm network marketing training never goes into dept about branding. They only mention it as a “matter-of-fact” subject and not the training itself.

If you are going to be building a brand, you have to think of yourself in terms of a news maker.

What noise can you make in the marketplace that gets people to pay attention to you.

So many people try to piggy back off of others and don’t realize the potential that they have to become the "pig".

In the world of PR, people want what’s new and what’s first, not what is better.

That is why we call it new-s. When we can make “news”, we create the opportunity for a lot of publicity.

And the best way to make yourself news worthy is for you to create a new niche.

You should be thinking of a category that either:

  1. Plays into people’s emotions. You want to play into the need to resolve an issue in their life, or avoid pain that they are going through. Do they want to lose weight, get out of debt, help with arthritis?
  2. Play into people’s passion. What do people want? Do they want to learn the unknown secrets to a certain topic? Do they want insider information to know things that others don’t know, in order to get ahead or stay ahead of the crowd. 

Think of the information that people need and don't have, that could be extremely useful, and give it to them.

If you can’t think of anything right off of the top of your head, go out and learn something new that you didn't know before and then use that new information as a basis for your new category.

This mlm network marketing training teaches you to think in terms of being a news maker by becoming either:
1. a problem solver or
2. a solutions provider.

Create publicity by knowing what people are looking for and giving it to them.

And if you don’t have it right now, then go out and get it and give it to them when you've got it.

Serve people through your information. Become a resource for others.

You want to create the perception that you have all the answers.

You want to become the expert.

When you do the discovery for your new category, these are some of the issues you want to think about:

  • What news can you generate that will get people talking about your category?
  • What angle can you spin on an all ready established category to make it new? Even if it is to spin an already established concept, what can you add to it to make it appear new and useful to someone that, that market didn't cater to initially?
  • How have you done, whatever it is, differently from others? Your story maybe similar, or your technique maybe the same however, you are not.
  • What makes you special in your technique or knowledge? Are you African-American in an all Caucasian field? Or Vice versa? 
MLM Network Marketing Training

Everyone is always looking for a perspective from which they can relate the most to. Are you Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabia, Indian, Alaskan, Australian?

What makes you, you that others can congregate or relate to?

Be aware of your differences and let those differences be the magnetic factor that attracts people to you.

Everybody can’t relate to everybody that is why it is called a niche.

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